
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Top 5 Classroom Projects Linky

When I saw this link party, I just had to link up!

Ok...I'm going to warn you now- I cheated and just couldn't choose just 5! So here are my top 7...

#1- My students completed a "Jack-O-Character" as a Home Project. The students chose their favorite book character and created a pumpkin character. I know that the parent probably did most of this work, but the kids loved talking about their favorite characters and books.

#2- We had lots of gingerbread fun in December! We read all kinds of gingerbread stories- so much fun!! We made real gingerbread cookies and houses, and then created these craftivities. During this unit I saw my kids becoming independent and really starting to be "team players". It was exciting!

#3- Presidents' Day was the first time I did a directed drawing with my class. I fell in love! This directed drawing was created by Kindergarten Planet.

#4- EVERYTHING Suess! 

#5- Our fairytale unit was so fun, and the kids totally got into it. I probably loved watching the kids act out the stories the best. 

#6- Everything Cinco de Mayo was so fun. My kids wore their sombreros back to school for like 3 days after we made them. (That is huge considering most of them usually don't wear the hats we make for more than an hour!!!) We had so much fun with our pinatas and eating chips, salsa and tacos. My kids are still randomly saying "OLE!" and "Ay Caramba!" throughout the day. 

#7- Mother's Day was so special! I loved how everything turned out. Maybe I especially loved this one because my mom was here and helped out with it!

Go link up! I want to see your top 5 (or 7!?! ;) ) Happy Wednesday!


  1. I had the most difficult time choosing 5 :) This linky was all about finding inspiration for next year and I just did! I pinned a bunch of your projects! Thank you so much for linking up!

    1. Thanks Maribel! I know I snuck in two extra but I just couldn't decide! :) Thanks for hosting a fun linky! I can't wait to see what others post! :)
