
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Mother's Day Five for Friday

I had the most fantastic week, and I can't wait to share it with you! :)

This week was filled with preparing for today, when we hosted Muffins with Mom.

We made special hats for our mom's to wear for the occasion- the hats were a HUGE hit and amazing for pictures! They were SO easy to make. All you need is coffee filters, construction paper, string, tape, scissors, a stapler, a water bottle and markers. The students cut out the hat template and used a marker to draw "band" on the hat. Then the students colored a coffee filter any way they liked and used the spray bottle to spray it with water. After the coffee filter dried the students crushed it together to form a flower and stapled it to the hat. Last with the tape we attached a string to use to tie the hat on...VIOLA! 

We made a little recipe card holder for a little gift for our mothers. We used medium size paper clips, a picture and a recipe card. Keeping the "muffin" theme, I took each student's photo and place it inside a muffin template. Each photo read "Happy Mother's Day 2013 From Your Little Love Muffin". Then The students created a "Recipe for a Great Mom (Aunt or Grandma)". We just attached the muffin photo to the paper clip and then placed the recipe card in the holder. 

My mom was such a HUGE help getting ready for this event and even serving as "mom" for a few students whose mothers were unable to attend today. She is the best mother EVER! :) I am so blessed to have her...she has always been my biggest cheerleader and in all my failings she is always proud of me! I don't know what I would do without her! Isn't she gorgeous! LOVE HER!

This week we did a mini science experiment. I was so fascinated by this activity! We took a head of red leaf lettuce and cut it off at the bottom. We placed the bottom root portion, in a cup of water. After just a few days, the lettuce started to sprout and regrow! Yes, the lettuce grows again! I have thrown away so many bottoms, who knew that I could have had lettuce growing!

This week I was so spoiled for Teacher Appreciation Week. I feel like I don't deserve all that I was given. My students are too much! I forgot to take a picture, but my favorite gift this week was a "Love Jar" filled with Love Notes from my students! I will treasure this ALWAYS!

Today we received our placements for next year and well, I am sooo happy! I will be teaching...

I hope you had a wonderful week! Only 18 more days for many for you? Go link up!! 

Have a wonderful weekend! 



  1. OMG! Those hats are sooo adorable! We LOVE them (and pinned it)!! We just might have to think about those for next year...
    Have a great weekend!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

    1. You are so sweet girls! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Hi Julie,
    Love that your mom helped out and attended your fun mother's day event- what a great lady! :) Hooray for teaching kindergarten next year!
    Learning to the Core

    1. I am so excited about staying in kindergarten next year! :) My mom is the best! Thanks for stopping by Aylin!!

  3. Hi Julie!
    I just LOVE your name!!! and your blog is fantastic! So happy to have found you through the linky! Your Mother's Day hats are a HUGE hit, I'm sure! I just love them!
    Happy to be your newest follower!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
