
Friday, May 17, 2013

Five for Friday

It's Friday! :) Yay! Time to link up with Doodle Bugs & *Teaching Maddeness* and share 5 things from my week...

We have been having all kinds of dino-fun this week! It's kind of sad that the kids have more schema about dinosaurs than I do. Pitiful! I butcher dino-names like no one's business, the kids cheer for me when I get the names right! Oh my! They don't care though, they are having too much fun and I'm learning SO much! Today we were measuring dinosaurs using cubes. This was  a hit for sure. The kids talked and recorded the dino's height, weight and length.

There are dinosaurs all over our room, even in our ELA centers!

This week my grade level had "In Awe of Authors". The kindergarten classes rotated among all the kindergarten teachers to learn about different authors. It was awesome! The author that I shared was Audrey Wood. I read Silly Sally and The Napping House. The kids had fun acting out the story The Napping House.

The teacher next door did Jan Brett. She was so cute- she read the Armadillo Rodeo. She was dressed up as a cowgirl and had these fun displays. I loved it! I have to remember that a tablecloth works decorating magic!!!

With 12 days of school left I am looking forward to getting familiar with Fountas & Pinnell Prompting Guide over the break. Have you used this Prompting Guide? I am hoping to get the language, vocabulary and questions from this tool in hopes of being even more effective during guided reading and read alouds. I have had it for a while, and I won't's been collecting dust. (shame)

Lastly, today we were working on updating our goal book, it is almost time to send it home! Just can't believe it! I snapped some pictures while the students were working. It is such an encouragement to see all the learning gains the students have made! How can I be discouraged when I see how much the kids have grown- either through reading, writing or even drawing! The best part though was listening to the kids reflect on how much they have grown and changed. They were proud of themselves!

I'm half asleep, it's time for cuddling in bed! I hope you had a great week! Head on over to Doodle Bugs & *Teaching Maddeness* and link up! 

Happy Weekend! :)

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  1. Just found you through my blog stalking :) I do a similar thing that you do with the kids work. I finally just got them all bound on Friday and they are going home on Tuesday. It's so amazing to watch them grow through the year!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten

  2. The dino unit looks really fun. I love the How Do Dinosaurs... books. Good luck on wrapping up all of your end of the year projects.
    Thanks for stopping by.

    School Is a Happy Place

  3. I like the round robin reading idea with your fellow teachers.

    I have some kids that are obsessed with dinosaurs - and like you I am not familiar with all the names.

    I will have to check out that F & P book!
    Learning in the Little Apple
