
Sunday, June 30, 2013

July Currently & a Sale!

Can you believe that it is July!?! I can't!! I'm linking up with Farley and her July Currently.

Listening: I know its shameful, but I watch all of the Real Housewives. I am sure you are rolling your eyes as you read this but...the Real Housewives of New Jersey is a summertime guilty pleasure! Can you keep it our little secret?!

Loving: I am loving that my summer has been so relaxing that I don't really know what day of the week it is. (A little Downton Abbey for ya!)

Thinking: I have the best friend ever! It's true! I can only wish that everyone has a special "Samm-o" in their life to make each day brighter! :)

Wanting: A Michael Kors WHITE purse...which one? Opinions please!!!

Needing: A manicure and pedicure. I think I'll go tomorrow! :)

Tips, tricks or hints: Just be you, because you are fabulous! Don't compare yourself to others. Push yourself to be better!
Well said Mr. Roosevelt!

To wrap things up I just wanted to let you know that I am having a sale in my TPT store tomorrow! Everything is 20% off, including my new Back to School Unit. Take a peek if you are interested. Have a great rest of your weekend! 

Don't forget to go link up!!


  1. Love your blog!! I'm a new follower on bloglovin'...found you through Currently. I am totally in LOVE with the MK purse on the right, but both are equally adorable!! And your motivation quotes are awesome! I posted "be yourself" on my currently....great minds think alike!! :)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I am hopping over to check out your blog! I agree right side purse is GREAT! :) I feel a shopping trip coming on!

  2. Your back to school packet looks so amazing!!

    I love RHONJ too. I can't watch it in front of my husband because it drives him crazy! :)

  3. I have never watched the Real Housewives shows, but I definitely have my own guilty pleasures this summer! I love that I don't know the day of the week also!

    1. You should try the Real'll be hooked before you know it! :)

  4. The purse on the right. You definitely need to find a blog design that has purses on it;) So cute!


  5. I love summer TV guilty pleasures. Bravo is definitely a great channel to watch while managing "stuff" around the house! No shame...

