
Friday, June 28, 2013

Five for Friday

So it has been a little while...20 days to be exact! Oops! I am enjoying my summer just a little too much! I am linking up with Doodle Bugs to share 5 random things from the past 2 weeks! :) I am warning you, I am loving summer break so there is a lack of school in this post!!

My love and I just celebrated being together for 8 years! We took a little get away together and had a blast! I love him so much! Can't blame me, huh!?! He is just too darn cute! :) He's not going to like that this picture made the blog!!

I have been loving my summer morning workouts. I do a boot camp workout by the beach 2 times a is a killer but the view makes up for it! 

I have to workout because I have been enjoying tons of my favorite this yummy number from the best Taco Truck around!!! The elotes are AMAZING!! (I think I just gained 5 lbs. just looking at the picture!)

Unsweet tea is a must all summer long!! It is just so tasty!

Last week I went parasailing with one of my favorite girls! I forgot to take my camera up with me, who does that?!?! I was giddy like a little was a Happy Day! 

I have been doing some work. I have revamped some of the first units/products I posted on TPT. If you have purchased these items, go and redownload (for FREE) the updated files! (Click on the images for a quick link.)



Last but not least...Google Reader is gone as of July 1st. I am the person that on facebook and pinterest that refuses to switch over to the new/updated look until I'm forced... so you can imagine how I am feeling about this change! I would love it if you continued to follow my little blog on Bloglovin'! All you have to do is click on the picture below!

Once you create your account you will be asked if you would like to import your favorite blogs from Google Reader. It is super easy! 

I think you will like Bloglovin'. It has some cool features such as the "Mark as read", "Like" and "Share"!

If you follow me on Bloglovin' leave me a message (include your email address) and I will choose 2 people later this evening to receive one of my updated units!

Thanks for sticking with me...long post I know! Have a fantastic weekend!! 


  1. I went parasailing last summer. So much fun-I really thought I'd chicken out but once I got up there it was heavenly. Luckily my friend brought her camera up.

    Congrats to you & your hubbie!

    You Might Be a First Grader….

  2. I love your posters! Congratulations on your 8 years together! :)

    1. Thanks! Thanks for stopping by! Check your email!!
