
Sunday, July 7, 2013

Favorite Pins Sunday (oops) and a Giveaway!

I meant to do this on Friday, but...having a holiday in the middle of the week makes things TONS of fun! No time for working...just playing! :) I hope you had a great 4th of July.

I am linking up with The First Grade Parade to share my favorite pins from the past week.

Come follow me on pinterest!

Alright, so here we go...

School related pins:
Remind101 is an app that you can you to send out a group text to your parents- you can even schedule future texts! What a great way to easily send reminders out!

Rachelle at Life is Sweet...In Kindergarten had a great blog post about back to school and meet the teacher! I loved this little idea with the clothespin and dismissal! Genius!

Life pins:

I love to-do lists...this idea from Corn Flower Blue Studio looked like something I must do!

I loved these two ideas from Epbot and Real Simple, they were just what I need! Living in South Florida I feel like I have an abundance of flip flops and sandals and I just never know how to store them. I'll let you imagine the bobby pin situation in my cosmetic drawer...not pretty! :/

This recipe looked so yummy and summer-y! The Blonde Ponytail has lots of great tips on her blog! 
Check her out!!

I pinned this someecard right after I pinned this from Fashion Worship...

Don't forget that today is the last day for Rachelle's Giveaway! Head on over and enter your chance to win lots of goodies from lots of talented ladies!

Have a great Sunday! 


  1. Hi
    Great to meet you - I linked up for the first time at The First Grade Parade and I am following you. Great list of links.
    Janis Author of Tadeo Turtle

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I absolutely love your blog classy and cute! I am now following you by email so that I don't miss a post :) I look forward to getting to know you!

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Kindergarten
