
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I'm Back...Classroom Digs

Summer is over. What!?!?! I really can't believe it. Time flies when you are having fun! It's been a while since I visited blog land (sad face!)!! I have been having too much fun doing this...
packing and traveling! Don't get me wrong, this girl is not complaining! :)

Today was my first official day back at school! Just like every other teacher, my head hurts just thinking about how long my to do list is. I am so blessed to have this cutie here to help me! 
(My mom & I- BoWLinG!)

So I am linking up with  Blog Hoppin' today to show you the start of my back to school mania. 

Here are some pictures of my isn't complete yet, but I wanted to share it BECAUSE I have a "crush" on it! gives me those warm and fuzzy feelings ;)! I have lots to do still but...
My ABC line that was always covered by my projector screen has been replaced by these Alphabet Pennants.

My word wall and academic focus wall(s) have received a make over.

I really like how pennants look...I may have gotten a bit carried away!?!?!

These areas will be where I post the schedule~student rating scale~daily objectives and where we have Calendar Time.

I came up with a new way to keep my anchor charts portable and easy to display. My mom added a crafty cute touch, no?!?! I am so excited about this!!

Here are just a few other pictures!

I hope you enjoyed the tour. I love seeing other people's that normal!? I hope to post more soon! All the best...Happy Wednesday!!

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