
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Back to School FUN!

I am now in the full swing of school, and man I am TIRED! I may be getting old or something because I don't remember feeling this "pooped" by the end of the day. I don't think I have made it up past 8:30pm in the past week. Oh man! So I've been wanting to share some pictures for a while and well it hasn't made it off the to-do list...that is until today! Whoop whoop! :) Here are some pictures of some of the fun activities we have been doing in class.

Pocket Chart Activity
The kids are excited that they are already reading! 

Letter Dominoes
I love seeing them working together already and their enthusiasm is so contagious!

ABC Spin It to Win It!
My AMAZING student teacher helped to teach this game. Having an extra set of hands this year has been a true God-Sent!!!

Shakin' Shapes on the Bus
Some students came to kindergarten with a solid foundation in math skills, while others need a quick lesson on the basics (colors and basic shape names). We are using some of these fun games to learn the concepts.

What's the Number on the Board?
Who doesn't love number play dough mats!?!?!

Super Student Number Spin

Mostly we have been going over lots of routines and procedures. I have students with unique challenges this year, and I am learning something new every day. I love a challenge, it just causes me to get more creative, right?! Or maybe more tired...hmm. Here are some pictures of our class pennant that we created on the first day of school.

I know I already posted classroom pictures last week, but I wasn't quite finished with my room. So I wanted to share just a few updated pictures. {My classroom is my home away from got to love it!!}
The front door. We are Smarties!

Where anchor charts are already hanging.

The word wall, color pennants and shape pennants.

Smartie Work Board

Every classroom needs a little Bob! ;)

I saw a ribbon chandelier like this on Pinterest and really wanted to make it but thought it would be so expensive. That's when my mom came up with the idea to use plastic tablecloths and cut them in strips. The total project price was $10 compared to the $30+ I thought it was going to cost! Yay! This is hanging above my reading area. 

Alright...time for bed!!! :) I did it folks, the time is now 9:41 and I'm still awake!! I hope that you are either enjoying the end of your summer break or are having an awesome start to your year. I hope to be back later this week with some fun activities for you! Until then I leave you with this great quote I read. 

You make a difference!

Ooooo...almost you love my new blog design?!?! Thanks to Parker at PJ's Design Laboratory, I do!!! He has been more than amazing and I recommend him to anyone! I am so picky and he was so patient! If you are looking for a blog makeover GO CHECK HIM OUT!!!

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