
Friday, May 3, 2013

Five for Friday

Perhaps the title of my blog should be Cinco para Viernes! It has been a fun filled week for Cinco de Mayo!

On Tuesday we read the book Chicks and Salsa. Then we made chips and salsa. Do your kids go crazy for anything "cooking"?! My mom went to school with me this day and we had a BLAST making the salsa with the kids. We even had a great plant mini-lesson. We talked about all the different parts of the plant that were going into our salsa. It was so much fun, AND my kids were too cute saying "OLE!". 

This week we also read Cinco De Mouse-o! Then we had fun with piñatas! I usually purchase a piñata for my class to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but this year I didn't. (It rained here every afternoon this week, BLAH! In South Florida a rain storm is like snow. You don't leave your house!) So I improvised and made a piñata. Don't laugh! :) Did the kids care at all? "Goodness no!" (Pete the Cat voice!) They were so excited and we had so much fun! (I feel like I keep saying "it was so much fun", but it really was!) Since it was raining, we did the piñata inside. Everything was all good except I learned a lesson...don't put Smarties in a homemade piñata. Smarties flew EVERYWHERE!

The kids got to make piñata predictions and their own piñata. You would have thought it was Christmas!

How could I forget, we had to wear sombreros for all this fun! The kids were precious! 


We started our "A Muffin for Mom" book this week. We will be celebrating the special women in our lives by having "Muffins with Mom" and having tea time. This book will be one of the gifts we give our leading ladies.

Here is my first Currently! Go link up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade! Make sure that you remember the rule of 3! 

Alright, it is time for you to go link up! 

Are you on instagram? If not, go sign up! I just started...I love seeing everyone's photos! Follow me at Ms. Shope's Class! Leave me a comment with your username, I would love to follow you!

Check back tomorrow! I will be part of a Blog Hop! Fun times!!

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  1. Your pinatas are so stinkin' cute! I'm sure it was a great day! If it makes you feel better, there has been snow here a few days this week. I had myself a mini-pity party on my blog! :)

    Have a great weekend!

    Apples, Owls, and Peppermint Mochas

  2. Hi Julie,
    It always looks like you are doing so many fun activities in your class-- the sombreros are my favorite! :) I just got on Instagram this week too- @learningtothecore...i'll have to get on there later today and start following you!

    Learning to the Core

  3. Such fun stuff! Love the book title alone of "Chicks and Salsa" so clever!
    We just started on Instagram as well @fluttering1st.

    Have a fabulous weekend!
    ~Christy & Tammy
    Fluttering Through First Grade

  4. I am loving all of your Cinco de Mayo fun! I wish we would have had more time this week to fit in some Cinco de Mayo stuff. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I am your newest follower and can't wait to see what other fun stuff you have going on in your classroom!

    Fun in First Grade!

  5. I love all your Cinco de Mayo stuff! Too cute, especially the "Do you like salsa?" survey!

  6. Wow, you all had a great week with Cinco de Mayo! Love the idea to make salsa with the Chicks and Salsa book (and the how-to writing was perfect)! Have a great weekend!

    :) Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  7. Yay for you making chips and salsa with your kiddos! Cute. :)
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners
