
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Calming the Chaos

Welcome to the Calming the Chaos Blog Hop hosted by 2peasandadog.
All of us bloggers have come together to share our top tips for making the last month of school run smoothly. Visit each of our blogs to learn something new and catch a freebie or two!
Happy Hopping

I know that at the end of the year it can be really difficult to keep the students engaged...I am not sure who is more "done"- the students or us teachers, right?! We have to keep things fun and exciting for EVERYONE! :) To keep my kids engaged I like to offer things called bribes incentives! A new fun way that I am keeping my students on task is by doing a QR Code QUEST!

Here is what you do...

I use the QR codes and hide one or two in the activities that we will be doing each day. I might hide a QR code in a book, at a center, under a chair, etc. Throughout the day the students are on a QR Code QUEST. I hype it up really good, reminding them that the QR Code is small so if they are not paying close attention during an activity or while completing a task they may miss the QR Code. Missing the QR Code would be awful because once you find the Code you are the lucky winner and get to scan your reward! How fun!

Grab your copy here...

I hope you and your students enjoy it! Wishing you a happy and terrific rest of the year!

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Calming the Chaos Participants

Check out this great giveaway!


  1. Hi! I love your QR code idea! Your freebie is excellent & I can't wait to try this with my kids! I just found your through the blog hop, I'm your newest follower!

    Science for Kids Blog

  2. I found you through the blog hop. I have never used QR codes, but it sees like a lot of people do. I'm very interested in trying this. It sounds like so much fun! Thanks for sharing. I just started following you!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My kids will love this idea! Can't wait to try it out. Thanks so much. I am a new follower.

    Mrs. Rios Teaches Second Grade
