
Friday, June 7, 2013

Five for Friday

 Ok so I have been way too busy the past few weeks so I have missed out on blogging and my favorite linky! Here is my recap from the last few weeks...prepare yourself it is a LONG post!

We had our Donuts with Dad event. I love seeing my kids interact with their dads. We had donuts, read our books we made, shared fun gifts and sang songs. It was a BLAST!

Here our some of my favorite pages from the "A Donut for Dad" books-- of course you can find my very favorite page HERE!

My dad is smart. He knows all about loving me. 
My favorite thing to do with my dad is snuggle. 
If I could buy my dad anything I would buy him cherries from Publix.

My dad is really good at standing on one foot.
My dad is smart. He knows all about Africa.

My dad is good at fixing things. He is good at fixing the chicken coop.
My dad's job is to sit at a desk.

My favorite thing to do with my dad is to cook with my dad.
My dad is really good at going to the grocery store.

This week was my last week of school. Yesterday was my last day with my students. It was filled with tears. I have such an amazing class this year. My teacher friend wrote on facebook the other day, "I don't love every day but I really do love every kid...". I think she nailed it right on, right?!?!

We did lots of fun and silly things in the last week. One being silly sock day- I even let them chill in their socks one afternoon. I thought it would be fun, and it was...until it was time to put the kids shoes back on.  Ooops, 2 people had the exact same shoe- style, color and size. I may or may not have mixed up their shoes. I felt bad! 

We also made these fun t-shirts. This was such a hit and so pretty for end of the year photos!!

I have been busy making thank you's for our room moms, a middle school volunteer and teachers who also teach in our classroom.

My other labor of love has been my end of the year gift to my students and parents. It is a DVD filled with all of our class created podcasts, movies and photos. It was a huge project but totally worth it. My kids begged to watch the DVD on the last day of school, which was a fun way to spend our final hours together! (The Kool-Aid, gift tag and straw were pinterest inspired.)

Today I finished packing up my classroom, it looks so sad in there! Now I am ready to enjoy my summer! Whoop whoop! :) 

Thanks for bearing with me through this super long post! I hope you had a great week, and that you have an even better weekend! Go link up with Doodle Bugs


  1. Oh my word, those responses to the dad questions had me laughing out loud over here- why are kids so cute?
    Happy summer!!!
    Learning to the Core

  2. Love those Father's Day ideas! And I needed some - thank you!
    Whimsy Workshop 

    1. Thanks Susanna! I have a Donut for Dad book, if you are interested I'll gladly send it to you!!

  3. Are you a tech ambassador?? Heard you mention podcast....

    1. Hey-
      I am part of the Mod Squad (coach of the tech ambassadors). Are you a tech ambassador???

  4. What a fun post; so many cute ideas! The dad letters are to die for. Gotta love what our primary kiddos say!!!! Their families will treasure these forever!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  5. The dads are going to love those letters! Ha. Aren't kids great?! Happy summer!
