
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Fairy Tale Fun!

The past few weeks we have been enjoying our fairy tale unit. My kids especially love The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood. We have read many different versions of each story, and the kids never get tired of hearing the stories! They are so cute too because during centers they act out the story, they even change their voice for each character. It is amazing! Over the past week we have made some of our favorite characters, and used them in the retelling of the stories. We also did some writing activities to go along with our little crafts. Check them out!

We did Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The students chose one character from the story, created the character and then wrote a letter to them. On this day I was thrilled because one of my students who is reluctant to do any writing or crafts, was so excited about this activity and was motivated the WHOLE time! Yay!!

We worked on Little Red Riding Hood on Friday, the Big Bad Wolves finished but the Little Red Riding Hoods still have to add a bit more on Monday.

We also did the 3 Little Pigs earlier in the week...I forgot to take a picture. The kids wrote an opinion piece about who they really believed the Pigs' story or the Big Bad Wolf. 

Here is a picture of all the writing pieces together, it is a little messy for my taste, but the kids INSISTED I hang them up! :)

Here are some of my favorite writing pieces...

Top piece says, "Dear Goldilocks, I hope you don't go in strangers houses because they can get you." 
Bottom piece says, "Dear Big Bad Wolf, Next time stay up and get the hunter too. Then you will not die. He can be desert."

If you would like to get your own copy check out my TPT store!

Huff & Puff {Writing Craftivities for the Three Little Pigs}

Over the River & Through the Woods {Little Red Riding Hood Craftivities}

 Have a great rest of your weekend!
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  1. kiddos would have loved this when I taught Kinder! I love your crafts! Wonderfully creative and clean looking;)

    This Little Piggy Reads

  2. Wow- these creations are ridiculously cute!
    Learning to the Core

  3. (I posted prematurely!! Sorry :))

    Wait. Julie, these are SO CUTE!!!!! Oh my goodness!! I'm so happy to be your newest follower!!

    Happy Friday!!
    Little Miss Primary
