
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

End of Seuss, Zoo and St. Patty's Day!

So I haven't had the chance to share the last of our Seuss fun. On Friday we finished up our Seuss unit with Funky Food- Green Eggs and Ham! The kids cooked everything- they even cracked the eggs- they did pretty good! I was impressed!! After we enjoyed the funky food we did a few activities...

We really didn't have too much time though because we had our field trip to the ZOO! How much do your little friends LOVE the zoo? You would have thought we were at Disney! I put together some activities to get us ready for the zoo and as a quick follow-up when we returned (we arrived back to school a little late so we actually did some of the follow-up activities on Monday).

We thought about what animals live at the zoo and animals that do not live at the zoo, then we sorted the animal pictures. We read an interactive emergent reader and wrote about what we hope we saw at the zoo.

When you go to the zoo on a field trip do you have you class complete a scavenger hunt? This is always a big hit!

When we got back we shared about what we found at the zoo.

We even pretended we were zookeepers and wrote about what it would be like if we ran the zoo!

If you are interested you can check out this mini-pack HERE!

Tomorrow we are going to create this little number! Fun times!

Off to bed...this time change is really messing with me!! Sweet dreams...

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